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One of the ways that people choose to secure their assets and pass them down to beneficiaries in an effective manner is by creating a trust. 当然, 每个人的情况都不一样, so it is important that you discuss the details of your estate plan with a legal team you can trust. 几十年来,遗产长者法 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站 has proudly guided clients across Western Pennsylvania through each step of the estate planning process, including creating any trusts that may be necessary. 联系 our firm today to discuss your situation.

What types of trusts are there and how can they work in my estate plan?

There are a number of different types of trusts that you may want to take into consideration as you consider your estate planning needs. 取决于你的情况, you may need one or more options to ensure that your estate plan is well rounded. Some of the common ones that 遗产长者法 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站 can help you with include:


Families often wish to avoid the probate process, 降低管理成本, 较低的费用, and guarantee that the kids can not fight with each other in court. This is where a revocable living trust comes into place. Very similar to a wagon you might have had when you were a child, this option is where you can put your assets, 控制他们的位置, and decide who has access to your stuff while you are alive.

The revocable living trust also becomes a detailed family rule book, making it clear who has access to your stuff, 控制你的资产, and the timing of distribution after you pass away. Having a revocable living trust largely, 如果不完全, cuts the government out of the rules you leave for your family. A tax filing will need to be made when you have one. 然而, 与遗嘱认证相比, this option reduces costs and keeps it simple for your family while preventing fighting through the probate process.


There are many types of irrevocable trusts, but the irrevocable asset protection trust is one commonly done through our planning sequence to protect your assets from the government and from being lost to 长期护理. The irrevocable asset protection trust makes sure there is a clear list of authority in the case you become incapacitated, 列出谁在控制你的资产, and sets the timing of when the distribution is going to occur.

The asset protection trust also allows the creator, 通常称为“授予人”,” to control everything and receive all of the income. 本质上, when we create an asset protection trust, 我们把你的东西放好了, trusting that it will be there in the future for your beneficiaries. By doing that, you are afforded protection.

After five years of assets being inside the asset protection trust, they are no longer available for your healthcare costs moving forward. The day after putting assets into an asset protection trust, they are invisible and protected from creditors, 比如诉讼.

有很多优点, but there are many different versions of an irrevocable trust and not all are created for the same purpose. 一般来说, if you are looking to protect assets from the government, 长期护理, 和债权人, this option is an extremely powerful tool used to do that. It is also the least expensive route to accomplish those goals as long as you are healthy and plan to be healthy for some time.

联系遗产长者法 & 遗产规划

If you are thinking about how to best pass down assets to your beneficiaries, it may be a good idea to consider creating a trust. The experienced attorneys at 遗产长者法 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站 can help you explore all of your options and navigate the path forward. 联系 我们今天来讨论一下你的情况.

遗产规划 & 遗嘱认证

Whether you’re looking to secure your family’s future, protect a loved one’s assets or provide a loved one with the financial assistance he or she needs to afford 长期护理, 我们致力于满足您的需求. We consistently offer creative and effective solutions to your most complex and sensitive estate planning needs and help your wishes come to fruition through our probate service.


推荐十大正规网赌网站 & 资产保护

Everybody’s life is full of both expected and unexpected challenges. With our experience with elder law issues, we can help you enjoy the later years and retain full control over decisions that directly impact you. 遗产长者律师事务所的律师 & 遗产规划 view every challenge as an opportunity. 我们今天就可以帮助你或你所爱的人.

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